Meet the team: Hannah McIntyre

Hannah began her career in EDF's nuclear family with an industrial placement in Nuclear Operations, and she now leads the chemistry team for pre-ops at Hinkley Point C. Read on to find out how EDF's nuclear family has enabled her to fast-track her development and gives her career longevity for the future.

Read time: 3 mins

What was your career path into EDF's nuclear family? 

I joined EDF straight from Bath University, where I'd completed a Masters degree in Chemistry. I did an industrial placement year in Nuclear Operations in 2019, and then I started at Hinkley Point C in 2021 as a Chemistry Technician and have progressed over the years to my current role. 

What does your job as Chemistry Lead involve? 

I'm currently leading the pre-ops team at Hinkley Point C and we're preparing for the future operational chemistry team. So, our activities involve setting up and organising the chemistry labs, developing our training programmes and producing all of our future operational chemistry arrangements. 

What led you into the nuclear industry? 

I come from near Dungeness power station on the Kent coast, but I didn't actually know much about EDF before my industrial placement or how big the opportunities were working here in science and engineering. At university, you can be led down the pharmaceutical route when you study chemistry; so it was interesting to go into the energy industry instead. 

 What's motivated you to stay with EDF's nuclear family since your placement? 

During my industrial placement, I was able to experience working at Dungeness power station and in the Gloucester office with the Chief Chemist. I loved working at the station, so I knew I wanted to focus on chemistry in industry. But what I also discovered is that I loved the mix of working in the office and on plant. That's why the job at Hinkley Point C appealed because it was a mix of both and it was also a brand new opportunity. It's a really exciting project to work on and I love that we're setting the precedent for the future through the work we do now. 

What's important to you in the workplace? 

I really like opportunities that take me outside my comfort zone. If I wasn't being challenged, I wouldn't enjoy the work as much. It's the reason why I like working at Hinkley Point C, as it's not routine chemistry every day. 

What does career success look like to you? 

Definitely staying in new nuclear, as I love working in this space. My next step is probably leadership; I'm young to be doing my job, but that gives you an idea of the opportunities available when you work at Hinkley Point C. 

Are you motivated by the company purpose of helping Britain to achieve net zero? 

I like working somewhere that contributes to energy security for the country and helps create a better future. 

Do you feel part of EDF's nuclear family? 

More so now than ever before, with business areas like Nuclear Services helping to bring the new nuclear arm closer to our existing Nuclear Operations business. The biggest benefit is access to the people and their expertise. Within the chemistry division, we have a peer group meeting with Nuclear Operations and Nuclear Services. Then beyond chemistry, there's a Nuclear Operations and New Nuclear collaboration meeting every quarter, which has made it easier for me and my team to get that experience and support from the rest of the nuclear family. 

What's the culture like in your area? 

It's incredibly positive and very fresh. Some workplaces can feel very set in their ways, but here the culture is open to challenge, change and adapting. 

Is it a diverse and inclusive place to work? 

One of the things I first noticed was the diversity of thought at Hinkley Point C - there are lots of different people from different backgrounds and careers. The Technical and Safety team, which I work in, also consists of 50% women. This is considerably higher than the overall gender diversity figures for in the science and engineering industries. 

What kind of training, development or mentoring opportunities have you had access to at EDF? 

I've had loads of training. Working in EDF's nuclear family is good for giving you opportunities in personal development. I've also had unofficial mentors throughout my time at EDF, and these have been from across the nuclear family. 

Does working for EDF's nuclear family give you more job opportunities or longevity of career? 

Yes - even working in new nuclear means there's an entire lifespan of the power station if I want to stay working at Hinkley Point C. But being part of the nuclear family also gives me access to Nuclear Operations and decommissioning if I want to pursue opportunities in either of these areas. It's reassuring for my future career options. 

Sound like a place where you'd like to develop your career? We're looking for engineers, project managers, technical leads and more. Find out what career opportunities are available in EDF's nuclear family.

Posted byMaria Kolykhalova
List #1

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