Spending time with Dual Fuel Engineer Adrian Hall

Covering parts of London, Adrian joined EDF in 2017 as he felt it was a secure role with a large company.

What is your favourite part of your job?

My favourite thing is knowing that every job is different, and I like interacting with the customers and making them feel happy after my installation.

Which part of the rewards and benefits package do you get the most from and why?

EDF's 'myBenefits' package is very good. I make a contribution each month from my salary and it can be used for myself or my family. For example, I wear glasses and the benefits package contributes money towards my prescription. I also use the reward scheme to contribute to my dentist and my chiropodist.

You can use rewards and benefits to purchase items from various shops and restaurants  - and the employee discounts are extremely beneficial.

What learning and development opportunities are you getting the most benefit from?

I enjoy new ways of working. I've recently upskilled to dual fuel engineer and will be doing a three-phase installation course very soon.

What's the working day like?

I like working on my own, travelling around London and planning my day, knowing that I have the support from my team if needed. We usually get our schedule for the next day in the afternoon, so planning my next day is very important. The team will shuffle jobs around so I can balance out my day and I get flexibility when requested.

Where would you like to take your career with EDF in the future?

I would like to become a manager one day and pass on my skills and experience to future and present employees.

Posted byAlicia Waddington-Azambuja
List #1

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